As a dog lover, volunteering at WSD has been a true joy.

The Welfare of Stray Dogs is an organisation in Mumbai who helps vaccinate, sterilise, and give medical care to the stray dogs of Mumbai.

I volunteered at their facility in Shiwri, where I helped walk and bathe the dogs.

Part of the job as a volunteer is to work with the dogs so they can become adoptable. Most of the dogs at the facility are stray dogs and have had minimal human interaction. By working with them on a regular basis, they soon begin to trust humans and come out of their shell. With the help of 2 senior volunteers I helped train 2 dogs to walk on a leash. A challenging yet fulfilling experience.

While bathing the dogs it was important to be mindful. Many of them had sustained injuries and infections, so extra attention and care was crucial. This was a learning curve to be sure, but over time I came to rather enjoy my time bathing them.

My experience at WSD was truly fulfilling and I would encourage each you you to visit and animal shelter soon.

Check out more about WSD here: