he ocean breathes, her surface rising and falling with rhythmic ease. The waves are her pulse and only just an echo of the souls that lay in her brine. Her skin glistens in nascent rays, an underrated facade for the utopia beneath. My diving suit hitched to my body, head first I cross borders to the land of the unknown.

I am now underwater, a claw of ice grabs me, although day, the water is cold. Flecks of salt make their way through my lips allowing my taste buds to somersault.  A few inches above me the water sparkles as if sequin falling through it and cast reflections that waltz with the crests and troughs of the waves. Below me is a surreal landscape torn straight out of a rainbow, the coral. It smirks at me as if it dreams of colour combinations to break every rule in the book and still be the finest artwork out there. It sings of their colours, a choir seen by the eyes and heard by the souls. Their roots are seeped into the ocean floor, sand, the most gentle hue of gold earthen and muted, a humble background to the scene. Ever so often, parts of the sand perform a little twirl, ballerinas directed by surges of ocean current revealing a cinereal porous rock. I brush my hand through the granules, their rough texture a welcome contrast from the water.

Approaching me to my right a thousand little fins and gills race in a lattice. Each one small, barely a dart of silver, yet fast. Just as they swarm into me another creature cuts through their ranks. She frolics with bold gaiety, owning her self made stage. With scales like the most delicate armour of plating, she messes around with the others before dashing back into her safe haven, the coral.

Within a few second the army of fish reassemble their flanks and shoot into oblivion.

From the corner of my eye I can see my hair , streaks of black cutting through the serenity of the ocean. I glance at my watch and deicide to head back up. The water ever so gentle as I wade all the way to the top, as I temporality close the blinds to a window of magic.

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