Primary Research

Capturing the exciting stories by the roads of mumbai in different mediums. I went around the chaotic streets of Bhindi Bazar Mumbai with my camera for my primary research.

Balloon Vender

Medium: Acrylic Paints

IGCSE Coursework Art & Design 2021

We see him everyday… tempting parents with children to buy balloons off him for a small price, often with children of his own denied the same cheer balloons add to the life of a child whose folks can afford to part with that measly amount that this man will take home to light the fire in his kitchen. Here’s my version of the humble ‘gubbare wala’ through the medium of poster paints.

~Grade 10 IGCSE


Medium: Acrylic Paints

IGCSE Coursework Art & Design 2021

Yet another Mumbai staple - the booksellers outside art galleries in South Mumbai literally make you travel back in time. Although digital technology has taken over our lives (case in point the bookseller with a mobile phone in hand, not a book), there’s a unique kind of charm that books bring to our lives, and the streets of Mumbai haven’t forgotten that!

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Paani puri Wala

Medium: Acrylic Paints

IGCSE Coursework Art & Design 2021

Evenings in every marketplace are abuzz with women & children, gorging on yet another Mumbai staple, pani puri. Each area has been monopolised, not because the pani puri wala is the mafia, but because your taste buds are fixed on each vendor for the unique flavour he offers. My panipuri wala is brought to life in acrylic paints, hoping you’ll go grab a plate soon!

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Man pulling a Haat Gaadi

Medium: Acrylic Paints

IGCSE Coursework Art & Design 2021

Painted during the lockdown (visibly so), this masked haath gadiwala is a common sight on old Bombay roads, especially outside CST. While so many of us enjoyed the comfort of our homes during the lockdown, daily wagers like the haath gadiwalas suffered due to the slow speed of life during the pandemic.

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Chana Wala

Medium: Acrylic Paints

IGCSE Coursework Art & Design 2021

Any seaside you visit in Mumbai, you’ll invariably find a chana wala, wearing a sling with a basket balanced around his neck, tempting you to buy flavourful chickpeas from him. These flattened and roasted chana are a culinary delight of sorts, and a high power street food that’s not only tasty, it’s almost synonymous with a visit to the beaches of Mumbai. If my chanawala in acrylic tempts you to visit the beach as soon as possible, thank me in the comments.

~Grade 10 IGCSE


Medium: HB pencils, Ink pen, Watercolour

IGCSE Coursework Art & Design 2021

The common Maharashtrian lady has a fixed routine. Before she goes about her work, she wakes up in the wee hours to fill water that would suffice her family for an entire day. Although a long cue awaits her, she diligently performs her homely duties before leaving to work in other people’s homes and play the role of the ever-famous Mumbai ‘bai’ to perfection. My Shanta Bai here is done in poster paints and black marker pen to make her silhouette stand out against her urban backdrop.

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Auto Rickshaw

Medium: Charcoal

IGCSE Coursework Art & Design 2021

Presented here in b&w in charcoal & HB pencil, these auto rickshaws are as common a sight in the suburbs of Mumbai as HB pencils are in every child’s pencil box. If Pierce Brosnan can ride one, we’re sure there doesn’t exist a Mumbaikar who hasn’t commuted by these annoying yet essential part of Mumbai’s transport system.

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Traffic Police Man

Medium: Acrylic Paints

IGCSE Coursework Art & Design 2021

Love them or hate them, we need them the most in this crowded, over populated city in the country. My charcoal & HB pencils salute these uniformed men of the traffic police who perform their duties deligently , through rain or sunshine.

WIP | Research Study | Quick Sketch

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Traffic Cones

Medium: Acrylic Paints

IGCSE Coursework Art & Design 2021

These red & white PVC cones can be seen almost everywhere in Mumbai, diverting traffic, warning drivers of blocked roads, or sometimes just because the ones who put them there, forgot to remove them!

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Sanitation Worker

Medium: Acrylic Paints

IGCSE Coursework Art & Design 2021

Did you know that Mumbai’s sanitation system is over a hundred years old? It’s the sanitation workers that continued to keep the city clean and hygienic even through the pandemic. While we all stayed home, they continued to work diligently.

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Construction Site

Medium: Acrylic Paints

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Post Box

Medium: Acrylic Paints

~Grade 10 IGCSE


Medium: Acrylic Paints

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Car Mirror

Medium: Acrylic Paints

~Grade 10 IGCSE