Distortion of the Soul

Suspendisse velit elit, consequat non faucibus id, convallis ut urna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent convallis nunc sit amet sapien euismod facilisis. Morbi eu efficitur ex. Maecenas auctor urna in purus suscipit, sit amet dignissim nibh pulvinar.

Mother… no more!

Medium: Acrylic tube paints on Canvas Cloth
Subject: Jyotsana Didi

A lost pregnancy is lost motherhood. The sense of loss and emptiness a woman feels after having a miscarriage is damaging to both body and soul. The now empty womb mourns the loss of an unborn life.

One of the hardest moments in a woman's life is when she loses her unborn child. It can leave scars that take forever to heal, trauma that distorts her soul.

This is a painting of a woman who’s lost her baby to a miscarriage. It is an attempt to depict the sadness that consumes the soul of a young mother as she holds her belly in the memory of her lost child.

The rough black and red palette knife strokes represent her bleeding and juxtapose & highlight the realism in the subject.

Image 2: Sonogram

Medium: Acrylic paint on X-ray film

This painting depicts a sonogram of a miscarriage.


Medium: Charcoal and Soft Pastels
Inspiration: The Butterfly Lady, Ajay De

Ajay De is an Indian artist who likes working with the black and white tones of charcoal. All his paintings reflect the complexities and troubles that besiege modern day society and hence I saw fit to draw inspiration from his work.

This piece is inspired by The Butterfly Lady by Ajay De with a difference in colour scheme.


Medium: Charcoal, Acrylic Paint, Twig

Since time immemorial, Indian culture has not been kind to widows. While one would think society would help her through her sorrow, the sad truth is many still believe that a woman is nothing without her husband. An Indian woman often feels strangled with the cruel norms of the society that sadly still exist. That's what I have portrayed through this piece.

The artwork is inspired by Ajay De and Piet Mondrian’s Evening, Red Tree.

The painting depicts a young woman, recently widowed, being choked by the ‘roots’ of Indian society. The background is influenced by Piet Mondrian’s tree. I used a broken twig and twisted it around her neck to convey the use of the metaphorical root strangulating a widow.l

The Evening, Red Tree

Medium: Acrylic paint

Piet Mondrian was a Dutch Painter who is regarded as one of the greatest artists of the 20th Century

This is a study of his famous painting the Evening, Red Tree.

Agony of the unheard

Medium: Charcoal, Soft Pastels
Subject: Jyotsana Didi

Losing her husband and being called a widow is one of the most soul shattering moments of a woman’s life. Culture is not kind to her either. It is a common Hindu practice for a woman to smear her Sindoor right off her forehead when widowed.

In this the subject smudges her Sindoor in sadness. The contrasting colours – blue and red – help amplify the mood of sadness in the painting.