Distorted Patterns Around ME
For the first step into my exploration of the themes of distortion, I started looking around me. Drawing inspiration from interesting patterns, shapes and forms from mundane life to create distorted portraits. Below is a series of portraits reflecting distorted patterns around ME.
Medium: Acrylic Paint
Technique: Lining
Inspiration: Twisted Cloth
Image 2: Photoshop
Subject: Myself
A depiction of the pattern created by a twisted cloth on my face, using Lining, a technique of thin brush strokes, and layering them to create a swirled effect to replicate the pattern.
An initial experimentation of ideas of distorted patterns around me.
Medium: Acrylic Paint, Markers
Digital: Photoshop
Inspiration: Broken Ceramic Pot
Subject: Grandmother ( Mrs. Kusum Naheta )
An exploration of shattered ceramic pieces on one of my first portraits of my grandmother.
Image 2: Work in progress of skin pieces through colour pencils.
~Grade 9
Rubiks Cube
Medium: Acrylic Paint, Markers
Inspiration: Rubiks Cube
Subject: Myself
A painting of my face distorted in the layers of a Rubik’s cube. Learning and understanding perspective and dimension through this piece.
A study of my Rubik’s cube in HB pencils and a recreation of an online distorted cube.
Image Credit: https://www.deviantart.com/reverendbonobo/art/Rubik-s-Cubism-213752344
~Grade 9
Medium: Acrylic Paint
Inspiration: Smoke from an Incense Stick
Subject: Girl face
A recreation of the swirling pattern of incense fumes. Inspired by a daily cultural ritual at home by my grandmother as she begins her morning in front of her deity.
~Grade 9
Medium: Acrylic Paint
Inspiration: Puzzle pieces
Subject: Friends face - Unmani Tewari
A portrait distorted by the pattern created by a displaced puzzle piece. Learning to refine my portraiture skills through this piece.
~Grade 9
O’ Keeffe
Medium: Acrylic Paint
Inspiration: Portrait 43: O'Keeffe ,Roberto Voorbig
This piece is a recreation of Roberto Voorbig’s painting that was a tribute to Georgia O’ Keeffe. I was inspired by his concept of an artist portrait in which the face is replaced by a significant work of this artist. It also inspired my next series of works.
~Grade 9
Medium: Acrylic Paint on Photo print
Subject: Mother @sarikanaheta
A showcase of my mother’s passion for gemstones
~Grade 9
Medium: Acrylic Paint on Photo Prints
Subject: Mother @sarikanaheta
Depicting my mothers unrequited and exceedingly overbearing love for gardening through this painting.
~Grade 9