Artist Study

The only way to portray the curious and comical life by the roads of Mumbai was through cartooning. Here I studied 2 artists who inspire the rest of my work.

Mario Miranda- A renowned Indian cartoonist, known for capturing the spirit of contemporary Goa and Bombay. Being a Mumbaite, more than once I have seen his work passing the infamous Cafe Mondegar and so who better to study to capture the hasty, lively Mumbai life.

Kandi Narsimlu- An Indian artist from Hyderabad. Through his art he captures the rural Indian life of men and women dressed in bright and colourful clothes. What I loved most about his work is colour applications, the contrasting colours made the paintings lively and exciting. He truly captures the spirit of Indian streets.

The Village Bus

Medium: Ink pen, watercolour markers
Inspiration: Mario Miranda

A replica of Mario Miranda’s cartoon called the village bus. Adding colours to the clothes of the characters.

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Double Decker BEST Bus

Medium: Poster Paints, black marker

This is a cartoon of an overcrowded Mumbai BST bus. An exaggerated and comical version of the day to day shenanigans that take place. Inspired by Mario Miranda I developed my own character for this painting.

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Never Full - Mumbai Auto

Medium: Poster paint, ink pen, watercolour markers

My take on a stuffed Mumbai auto. I tried to capture the smaller details like the garland or the barefoot driver to create a sense of Mumbai life.

~Grade 10 IGCSE


Medium: Poster Paints

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Side Walk

Medium: Ink pen

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Bike Ride

Medium: Poster paint

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Catch Me If You Can

Medium: Poster paint and black ink pen

~Grade 10 IGCSE

Bus Stop

Medium: Poster Paints, black market
Inspiration: Kandi Narsimlu

A replica of Kandi Narsimlu's artwork Bus Stop.

~Grade 10 IGCSE