Karachi Saree Movement

The 9 day festival of Navratri is a celebration to honour the divine (Devi), Mother Goddess Durga. This festival marks the most auspicious days of the Luna Calendar according to Hinduism.

For the upcoming Navaratri festival I helped promote, support and donated to the Kavach Saree Campaign. A campaign that supported the transgender community Mumbai.

During the Pandemic it was evident that they had a need for clothing, and so this Navratri we came together to gift sarees to the members of the transgender community. At a time when people all around indulge in festivities and celebrate with fervour we hoped to bring a smile to their faces.

For the 9 days of the festival i collected 9 Sarees from my neighbourhood to contribute to this effort.

If you too would like to extend your support, check out the incredible work done by The Kavach Movement here: